
After some month using my solution Hype (see here), I decided to improve it and redesign it.

What’s new ?

All design had been review, a light/dark theme (save in cookie session) and a full bootstrap redesign done

I also removed the PAM auth (Insecure for the system) and add a possibility to add/remove users

Dashboard design had been reviewed and as for Pymonit, you have a live view on system resources.

VNC viewer and Pyxterm had been integrated for console access (need a reverse proxy for the moment to be able to use this)

The alert message had been improved and redesign, to have more info in case of issue.

What next ?

I hope I can integrate the reverse proxying for console inside the code himself (actual solution not fully working and slow)

Improvement for Backup: Do real backup instead of snapshot, and export possibility.

Add the Windows OS base possible: the virtio-win will be added on Build page directly

Possibility to choose between Serial or VNC console on build for the non-vga os install.

Dashboard using Dark theme

Console page on Light theme

State page for virtual machines and containers and controls

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